
Letter From Br. Błażej: 48th Night

April 13, 2022, Holy Wednesday, 48th war night.

Thank God our area of Kiev is calm. Across Ukraine, alarms, alarms…. We are alive.

The Word: “Every morning (the Lord God) stirs my ear to listen….” And today the God who loves me opened my eyes and ears to listen to Him and thus live and be happy. Despite the war, God has not stopped calling me to happiness: Listen and you will love…. Listen and you will be happy.

Judas, 30 pieces of silver, and a familiar story. I don’t need Judas’ betrayal. When my ears are closed, I only listen to myself and I expose myself to the public, the other person, my complexes, etc. Jesus dies for me so that I may live…. This is my value – Jesus. Passover near. Jesus, deliver me from myself. Give me strength in this war. Give me victory….!!!!

Br. Wolodia in the Vineyard shows his creativity. A new way to black out the windows – the recreation room. Yesterday Brother Maciej from Krasilov went to the Cathedral in Kamieniec Podolski for the Eucharist of the Chrism. Brothers in Vinnitsa today. Likewise in Kiev, today we have the Eucharist to be presided by Cardinal Krajewski, the papal almsgiver. Yesterday the brothers in Lviv had a meeting with Magda Kaczmarek from Kirche in Not. She sent greetings. We pray for Magda and our benefactors. (photo)

From the account of Mark from Dnieper we know that Br. Wadym visited our heroes and defenders. Confessions, Eucharist. Faces covered. (photo). Thank God for their spiritual desires and Wadym for his ministry. We are the useless servants of God.

In Krasilov full peace not counting one night alarm. Yesterday our brave sister Margaret brought humanitarian aid for the army (photo). Yesterday there was an alarm in the evening and one at night. Apart from that it is quiet. The war is partially giving way to preparations for Pascha.

We also received a large humanitarian aid (a whole truckload). It will be very useful, as many new people from Mariupol have arrived. (photo). Thanks be to God for the benefactors! Today we participated in the action commemorating killed children! (photo)

Brothers of the Custody of Ukraine.
Br Blazej Suska