February 25, 2023
Yes, it’s been one year and one day—of war, but also of life. We live and believe that those who died at the hands of the enemy, also live… their eternal life.
The war normal: alarms, uncertainty, fear and war in the mind, but also gratitude to God and to people, our Benefactors, angels, the great and the small. Let us pray for all our Brothers and Benefactors.
The Word… “Follow Me.” A word that is simple and understandable, but difficult to accept in life. The fact that I am alive… I am who I am for today is the fulfillment of the Word… “Follow Me.”
Let us not sin with ingratitude. Thank God for the vocation in which each of us has a share. God loves me… me a sinner, therefore once again “Follow me…”
We live in a war, we do not live by war.
Br. Sergey Kippa, Custos of the Custody of Ukraine:
On the anniversary of Russia’s massive invasion of Ukraine, I want to thank God for all the gifts, graces and strength with which the Lord has strengthened us during this difficult time and without which we would not have survived!
For every brother who, according to his abilities and talents, was involved in serving the Church and the people of Ukraine!
Special thanks to the brothers from Poland, who did not get scared and stayed with us!!!
For our wonderful parishioners, pastors, with whom we learned to be “a community of disciples of Jesus”, serving those whom the Lord sent us!
Here’s to the many wonderful, generous people, volunteers who have passed through our monasteries, rushing to help in “hot spots”.
For the thousands of open hearts of our benefactors, thanks to whom we can bring help to those in need!
And most of all, we thank and pray for those who are giving and have given their lives for Ukraine, for the nation, for their neighbor!!!
The war is not over yet.
But today it is necessary to blow the “trumpet”—a word of thanks to God and people!
God, give us peace!!! Your peace!
В річницю повномаштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну прагну подякувати Богові за всі ті дари, благодаті, сили, якими Господь укріплював нас в цей важкий час і без яких би ми не встояли!
За кожного брата, який згідно зі своїми можливостями і талантами включався в служіння Церкві і народу України!
Особлива подяка братам з Польщі, які не злякалися і залишилися з нами!!!
За наших прекрасних парафіян, служителів, з якими ми вчилися бути “спільнотою учнів Ісуса”, служачи тим, кого Господь посилав нам!
За безліч чудових великодушних людей, волонтерів, які пройшли через наші монастирі, спішучи на допомогу в “гарячі точки”.
За тисячі відкритих сердець наших добродіїв, завдяки яким ми можемо нести допомогу потребуючим!
А перед усім дякуємо і молимося за тих, хто віддає і вже віддав своє житття за Україну, за народ, за ближнього!!!
Війна ще не закінчена.
Але сьогодні потрібно, щоб залунала “сурма” – слово подяки Богу і людям!
Боже, обдаруй нас миром!!! Твоїм миром!
Croatia. Letter from Brother Jure Sarcevic:
We encourage our people to pray and we ourselves think and pray every day that this bestial aggression against such a wonderful country as Ukraine will end. Today in our homeland, the anniversary of the aggression against Ukraine is celebrated in various ways and solidarity is expressed with the suffering Ukrainian people. Prayers to God for peace in Ukraine and fraternal greetings to you
all of you.
Warsaw, Poland/Kyiv:
This is more than politics and diplomacy… (photo)
Tel Aviv, Israel:
Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv. Yesterday. (photo)
The World:
Free World… (photo)
Last night, our neighbors wanted to remind us of ourselves: all seven rockets they launched at Kharkiv fell and exploded over Belgorod. Thank God!
News from the brothers:
Kyiv (Br. Sergey Kippa):
Information regarding humanitarian aid from Croatia transferred to Dnipro.
Comforters were donated to the victims of a bomb attack in Dnipro, as well as to hospitals in Slavyansk and Kharkiv. Some canned goods to Kharkiv.
Assistance to the military—coffee, soup in packages.
It was not possible to take photos during the relief efforts, so we provide the information in written form.
Thank you!
Lviv (Br. Kazimierz Guzik):
We consecrated the cross and the Stations of the Cross. (photo)
Kyiv (Br. Sergey Kippa):
Brothers, please pray for Adam W. In Lent we are accompanied by the readings from the Book of Exodus—and so the plagues of Egypt appear in his life—yesterday his “posvidka” (residence permit) was lost, and today he received information that his dad was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Please remember his family in prayer!
Jesus lives!