- Franciscan Supplement to the Roman Missal
- Hymn Honoring Solanus (English/Spanish)
- Feast of Solanus Casey (July 30)
- Laudato Si Liturgy Resource
- O Antiphons
- Capuchin Mass Texts
- Funeral Rites
- Funeral Resources
- Rite of Affiliation
- Transitus Service 1
- Transitus Service 2
- Transitus Service 3
- Transitus Service 4
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (January)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (February)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (March)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (April)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (July)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (October)
- Franciscan Sacramentary Supplement (November)
- Readings for the Feast of Francis: Introduction
- Readings for the Feast of Francis: Year A
- Readings for the Feast of Francis: Year B
- Readings for the Feast of Francis: Year C
- St. Lawrence of Brindisi Mass composed by our brother Carmel Flora