
Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 388

March 19, 2023
Capuchin Communications

March 19, 2023

Unfortunately, the war standard. Alarms, trepidation, fear, anxiety. Kamikaze drone raids in some districts. War standard is also the fact that people are dying…
God, give us a just peace.

The Word… Listen to these three Words. Listen, think:
“… For as man sees, God sees, for man sees what is available to the eyes, but the Lord sees the heart.”
“Whether He (Jesus) is a sinner, I do not know. One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I see.”
“If you were blind, you would have no sin, but because you say: ‘We see,’ your sin continues.”
We have a chance to convert to God. God is love.

We live in a war, we do not live by war.

Our guardian and pastor, Br. Józef Chromy celebrates his name day. Brother… may God protect you and grant you His Spirit.

Brother Sergey Kippa, our custos, asks for prayers for his classmate. He is fighting on the front lines. He is seriously injured. Doctors are now fighting for his life and health. (photo) Let us pray together through the intercession of Fr. Pio.

Prayer of our bishops at the relics of St. Joseph Bilczewski for peace in Ukraine. (photo)

Br. Sergey Gubitsky organized at our Capuchin friary a meeting with young people for his younger colleagues. (photo)

News from the brothers:

Dnipro (Br. Yaroslav Fedirchuk):
We are unloading the remains of the Capuchin-Croatian humanitarian aid from the warehouse, which will go to the needy. (photo)
For today, probably the last photo: Dnipro volunteer team at the parish. (photo)

Lviv (Br. Kazimierz Guzik):
This reportage includes photos from Krasyliv.

Dnipro (Br. Yaroslav Fedirchuk):
We donate medicines to the newly established hospital in Dnipro for wounded soldiers, through the hands of military doctor Sophia. (photo)
Formation meeting of the Franciscan Youth in Dnipro. Guests are Br. Victor the Capuchin and Ruslan from Kyiv. (photo)

Vinnytsia (Br. Igor Mularski):
Meanwhile, preparations of willow branches for Palm Sunday are underway near Vinnytsia. (photo)

Dnipro (Br. Yaroslav Fedirchuk):
Continued training of our volunteers in Dnipro, by Polish specialists in tactical medicine.(photo)

Kamianske (Br. Volodymyr Procko):
On Thursday, with Brother Leonid and our volunteers Svetlana and Olga, we were in Lyman and Kramatorsk—cities in the Donetsk region. In the Zarichne, an urban-type settlement, we distributed humanitarian aid: food products, chemicals and clothes. Residents thanked us for not forgetting them, prayed with us, asked for blessings. During our stay we constantly heard explosions. Our journey lasted 18 hours, we traveled more than 800 kilometers. Despite the fatigue, there was joy that the mission was successful. Thank God for everything! (photo)

Jesus lives!