
Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 295

December 16, 2022
Capuchin Communications

December 16, 2022

Yesterday, at the request of the custos, Br. Sergei, I arrived in Kiev. Leaving Vinnystia in wartime is unpredictable and impossible to plan. The train was 2 hours late, and in a short time the delay increased to 3 hours. I made the decision to change the means of transportation and arrived by “bus”. To my surprise, the driver himself reduced my ticket price by almost half. I do not know what was the reason for his gesture? Thank God. Let’s pray for our benefactors.
As befits Kyiv, there was no light. (photo)
We are waiting for the arrival of our Benefactors from Italy, two Capuchins and two lay men. The guardian angel is Br. Rafal Pysiak, the provincial vicar, a well-known traveler, experienced in Ukrainian voyages.
Dinner with guests unfortunately without light, but in a fraternal atmosphere.
Morning in Kyiv.
Eucharist, breakfast, limited light. Missile alert. (photo)

The Word… “Let all peoples glorify You, God.” These people I’m writing about in this letter, brothers from Italy, from America, know us, although not physically, because God has opened their hearts, to Ukraine, to this war nobody needs, and to the people they pray for and want to help. “Come, Lord, and visit us in peace, so that we may rejoice toward You with a pure heart,” said the Lord. These aforementioned people are other angels who bring us peace. Hence, they are the cause of joy for us.
God is love.
Come, Lord Jesus.

We live in war, we do not live by war.


Dear Blazej,
Br. Larry Webber of my Milwaukee community found in the memoirs of our Blessed Capuchin—Solanus Casey—a prayer that seemed very relevant to what is happening in Ukraine, although it was written in the 1950s during the Korean conflict… asked me to send it to you with a remembrance in prayer:

Almighty and eternal Father, God of Wisdom and Mercy whose power exceeds all force of arms and whose protection is the strong defense of all who trust in You; enlighten and direct, we beseech You, those who bear the heavy responsibility of government throughout the world these days of stress and trial. Grant them the strength to stand firm for what is right and the skill to dispel the fear of discord. Inspire them to be mindful of the horrors of atomic war for victor and vanquished alike, to seek conciliation in truth and patience. Grant the strength to see in every person a brother or sister – that the people of nations may, in this our days, enjoy the blessings of a just and lasting peace. Conscious of our own unworthiness, we implore Your mercy on a sinful world in the Name of Your Divine Son, the Prince of Peace and through the intercession of his Blessed Mother and all the Saints. Queen of all Saints pray for us. Queen of peace, pray for us.

Br. Henryk Cisowski

Henryk, my sincere thanks to you and greetings to the brothers in America.

At the railroad station, an exhibition about the suffering of children during the escape from the war, resettlement. (photo)

Come, Lord Jesus!