Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 289
Capuchin Communications
December 10, 2022
Thank God we have some peace. Even more electricity, light, heat. Thank God for everything. The regular war in the east and south of Ukraine continues. People are dying.
God, be merciful to them.
The Word… A short word from the Responsorial Psalm and it is on me living in war very comforting and hopeful: “Renew us, O God, and give us salvation.” It is God who is to renew us, to return us to life, to normalcy. Only God, even from war, from death, can and does bring out good for me. Ps. 80: “Raise up thy might and come to our aid.”
Come, Lord Jesus! We pray for a just peace! God is love!
We live in war, we do not live by war!
A city liberated from Russian occupation, without gas, light. People in front of apartment blocks cook food on a fire. (photo)
Clara Studio has published in print, in the form of a book, The Ritual of the Secular Franciscans. Great work was done by Br. Wolodia Procko, a Capuchin from Kamianske. Br. Volodia writes: “Thank God! The work of many Franciscans crowned with success”. (photo)
Let’s pray for Brother Sergei, the custos, who is currently in Khoroshiv, where he is leading an Advent retreat.
Another meeting of Brother Jerzy Zielinski of the leaders of the Consultation Center. A visit by Sr. Myroslava, the provincial sister. (photo)
History. Dedication of the traditional altar setting. Let us pray for our Benefactors. Mr. Nicholas, who fought against the spirit of war, occupation and terrorism in this way.
News from the brothers:
Dnipro (Bro. Yaroslav Fedirchuk):
Diocesan calendar with our church. (photo)
Deanery meeting in Dnipro. (photo)
Come, Lord Jesus!