
Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 288

December 9, 2022
Capuchin Communications

December 9, 2022

Since morning Kharkiv, Mykolaiv have been fired with missiles. People are suffering. Peripheral cities and the capital remain without light.
Rules: 2 hours light, 5 hours without light, and so on alternately. Practically, in the cold, without water, internet etc. God, give us peace!
At our place, the morning is calm. We do not know what the new day will bring. I pray for peace!

The Word… “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the LORD your God, instructing you in what is useful, directing you in the path that you walk. O, if you would heed my commandments, your peace would become like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. Thy offspring would be like the sand, and like its grains thy seedlings. Your name would never be removed or blotted out from before my face!”
A word for people at war, not just in Ukraine: “O, if you would heed my commandments, your peace would become like a river…” First Commandment… “Listen, Israel…” Hear…
Come, Lord Jesus!

Video in Ukrainian about St. Juan Diego, to whom Our Lady appeared in Guadalupe:

We live in war, we do not live by war!

Izyum, Toruń & Lubicz, Poland:
Our angels, Marcin Izyk with his team among the people in Izyum. This is how Russian terrorism works. (photos by Marcin Izyk)

Freely we have received, freely we give. Sr. Bogumila, a Nazareth nun, with the help of Capuchin friars and volunteers, continues to help the displaced. (photo)
Rorate mass. (photo)

We are not living by war. We took advantage of our parishioner’s invitation and celebrated the Immaculate Conception with a community dinner. (photo)

Let’s remember, to sustain the spirit of patriotism:

A young patriot from Vinnytsia, Azovstal, who survived Mariupol (in Ukrainian):

Brothers and sisters in the pastoral care of children and youth. (photo)

Invitation to an organ concert in our Capuchin church. This is the fight against the invaders of our heads and hearts. (photo)

News from the brothers:

Lviv (Br. Kazimierz Guzik):
Sergiy’s meeting with students at the Catholic University. (photo)

Kyiv (Br. Sergey Kippa):
Exceptional news for those who have been following the renovation of the square in front of the church in Kiev (especially Rafal P.). Today they finished the handrails.

Uzhgorod (Br. Marek Lisowski):
Academy children are preparing for Christmas. (photo)

Come, Lord Jesus!