
Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 278

November 29, 2022
Capuchin Communications

November 29, 2022

Yesterday we were informed by official and unofficial sources that Russia is preparing a massive missile attack across Ukraine. What else to expect from terrorists? We are waiting! God, give us peace!!!
At night there were alerts in the East and South of Ukraine. Our area was calm.

The Word… Where did the freshness of our brothers of St. Francis come from? I found the answer in the refrain of the responsorial psalm: “The saints sought the face of the Lord.” Here is the whole secret of holiness: to gaze upon the face of God. “One thing you lack. Go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow Me.”

Come, Lord Jesus !

We live in war, we do not live by war!

Tomorrow, November 30, we will remember St. Andrew, the Apostle, patron saint of Br. Andrew Kinel, former long-time secretary and bursar of our custody. Andrew, may God bless you!

More destruction of houses and apartments of civilians. (photo)

News from the brothers:

With Mary after the Eucharist on the 1st Sunday of Advent. (photo)
Breakfast after Mass at the Capuchins’ in Lviv. (photo)

On Saturday evening, volunteers from Poland arrived at our place on Dyviziina Street together with Volodya Korchinsky, a Knight of St. John Paul II. They stayed overnight and drove on to help bring our victory closer.
On the other hand, our benefactors from Austria, Peter and Johannes Filzmoser, as well as Brother Zbigniew who serves in Vienna—arrived on Sunday. They brought very valuable help, organized by Mrs. Heidi Filzmoser and Brother Marek Krol. Most touching were the blankets for our Defenders or refugees made with their own hands by women from Austria. We pray for our Benefactors and thank God for them, and them for their open hearts! (photo)

Peace Brothers! We live in Dnipro practically without light. Practiced Advent…
Some time ago several missiles flew on the city, our windows in the friary vibrated from the blast wave, but withstood. I wish the brothers, and others, a peaceful night. God bless you.

Peace !
We cordially invite all brethren to the name-day luncheon of Br. Andrzej Kinel, which will be held on Thursday, December 1st at 1.30 PM.
Come despite the hardships and obstacles.
It is warm and bright day and night in Krasyliv!

Come, Lord Jesus!