
Letters from Br. Błażej: Night 248

October 30, 2022
Capuchin Communications

October 31, 2022

God has given us another day, the Lord’s Day. We experience once again the death and resurrection of Jesus and in Him—our death and life. God is love.

In the evening we said goodbye to Br. Marek, the provincial, who left for Poland by train. Marek, we thank you for your love for us and your ministry as minister-servant.
I envy my new custos to work with you in the years to come. Deo gratias!

The Word… I take today’s Gospel Word very personally. In the seminary, when I made the decision to leave the order, God intervened, gave me this word, about Zacchaeus. A man of integrity, but because of his low stature (injuries, complexes, false image of God) he didn’t see or hear or know the living Jesus. All I had to do was climb the tree (get out of my habits, old patterns, natural religiosity) and at that moment I heard a voice: today I want to be in your house, your heart. Today salvation became a part of my life. Today, i.e. 1989, I became a child of God again, and to this day I am a Capuchin. You too are a child of God. Father, he loves you. God is love.

We live in war, we do not live by war.

A meeting with the leaders of the School of Mary, at which Bishop Radoslav Zmitrovich, Br. Marek, Br. Rafał, our provincials from Krakow and Br. Sergey Kippa, the custos, were present. About 40 leaders from different parts of Ukraine, branches of the School, came to the meeting.  Thus began the canonical visitation of the School, the visitator being Br. Rafał, the provincial vicar. May God guide you. (photo) During the meeting we were accompanied by an alarm signal. Alerts throughout Ukraine. (photo)

Another Alpha meeting in the Capuchin parish. (photo)

From the road:
Once again with the gift of love came our angels from Poland, Marcin Izyk and his team. In three vans they brought us gifts of heart from brothers, Christians from Poland. Brothers, may God grant you and your/our benefactors His peace and may God Himself reward you.
Photos sent by Marcin will follow in my next letter.

Together with my custos Br. Sergey, we thank our dear brothers from the United States of America of the Province of St. Joseph of Detroit, who continue to provide us with financial support.
Brother Bill, thank you. You are a good angel for us, bringing good word and help. Bill, please thank you to our benefactors and brothers in your province.
We are praying for you for you, our Benefactors. When the war is over, we invite you to join us in our open homes.
By the way, a very sincere thank you to Br. Henryk Cisowski for his daily, not light service of translating these letters into English. Heniu, brother, a heartfelt big “Thank you” Good that you are! God loves you!

Vigil night, with “All Saints.” (photo)