
Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 232

October 14, 2022
Capuchin Communications

October 14, 2022

We are alive. God has given us a new day.

I’m in Vinnytsia. It’s been a calm day here. Last night and this morning were really bad in Zaporizhzhia. The occupiers will not spare people, the city. Let us pray for Ukraine, for the people who defend our lands, for the ЗСУ (Armed Forces of Ukraine). God, grant us peace.

The Word… Here is the Word, the Good News for me, for people living in war. “In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.”  In Jesus we are called to life. Our vocation is life and not death. A Christian does not die. God is love.

We live in war, we do not live by war.

Brother Vladislav Gmyrko celebrates his birthday today. Vlad, многая літа, many years. We are grateful for your story, your parents, your sister and for… Kazakhstan. May God bless you.

Invitation. Brothers continue to pray in squares of the city of Lviv. (photo) Today is the day of the Defenders of Ukraine. Once again, I encourage you to pray for Ukrainian military, their families and for all victims of this war, living and dead. (photo)

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the 6th anniversary of the dedication of our church at 1b Perov Boulevard. This is another opportunity to thank God for his mercy to us Capuchins. With gratitude we will remember our wonderful history on this site. With gratitude, let us pray for our Capuchin brothers, the General Curia—the main sponsor of the construction—and our other Benefactors. (Photo)

May God hold His fatherly hand over us and grant us peace.