Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 220
Capuchin Communications
October 2, 2022
God has opened our eyes and praise be to Him for it. We are entering a new day. The Lord’s Day.
Yesterday in Kyiv, air raid alarms sounded. I see that brothers and people are used to alarms. We pray for the victory of ЗСУ (Armed Forces of Ukraine). God, give us peace!
The Word… “Lord increase our faith.” “That you may have faith, like a mustard seed…” Little faith, but faith in the GREAT GOD. The Great God, is the God close to us, for each of us. A great God, is a God who loves me as I am. Great God, God is love. Little faith, in the GREAT GOD.
We live in war, we do not live in war.
“Ora et labora” in Franciscan style. (photo) Consultation and prayer meeting. Br. Jerzy, Mrs. Iryna, leaders. Women. Ukrainian women. Patriots—even in their outfits. (photo) The brothers do not stop praying. Another invitation to Pray with Mary for peace in Ukraine. (photo)
Knights of John Paul II with their chaplain Br. Slawomir. (photo) Course “Alpha”-Another meeting. (photo)
Elective chapter of the Secular Franciscan Order in the region. Brother Leonid, assistant of the region. (photo)
May God grant us peace and guard us.