Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 206
Capuchin Communications
September 18, 2022
Another night behind us. Today, I finished my retreat at the seminary in Horodok and returned to Kyiv. Thanks be to God for everything.
The Word… In response to the Word from today’s liturgy, let me ask you for prayers for Ukraine, for President Zelenskyy, for an end to the war and a just peace: “I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. ” May it be so. Amen! God hears every prayer. God is love!
We live in a war, we do not live by war.
Unfortunately war. Izyum. A report from one of the angels, already known to us from previous reports. Marcin Izyk, a father of 6 children from Lubicz near Toruń, Poland, who reached Izyum with humanitarian aid. A town only just liberated from Russian occupation. (photo) It is said to be the second Bucha, in terms of terror victims, among civilians. Thanks be to God for angels like Marcin and his family. We send greetings to his wife Ela and their children.
Tonight we had a vigil for peace in Ukraine with the Charismatic Renewal.
May God protect us and grant us Peace.