Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 200
Capuchin Communications
September 12, 2022
A quiet night in our area. Yesterday, Sunday afternoon and evening, there were air raid alerts all over Ukraine. Kharkiv has been shelled; innocent people, ordinary residents of the city were killed. God, give peace!!!
The Word…. St. Paul admonishes, corrects brothers and sisters of the early, forming community of the church. Let us also accept admonitions that come to us from various sources. In the Gospel we find words “Lord, I am not worthy” which we also hear in every Eucharist. This is the truth about us. The miracle of transformation is dominant: God makes me worthy of Himself, so I can receive God into my heart. God is love!
We live in war, we do not live by war.
Vigil Night. Brothers Kazimierz, Zbigniew, Sergey attend the night vigil together as community. (photo)
Eucharist. For everything and at all times, bless God. The army that kneels before God does not kneel before the enemy. (photo)
Thanks to benefactors, we were able to buy an inexpensive car for army’s needs. (photo)
First day of Fr. Seraphin novena [beatification process of our brother is underway–Henryk]. Commemoration of his death is on September 20th. (photo)
May God keep us and grant us peace.