
Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 191

September 4, 2022
Capuchin Communications

September 3, 2022 — Saturday. St. Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church

We are alive. Thanks be to God.

In other areas of Ukraine regular war. People are being killed, infrastructure is ruined. The “burned land” option is working. God, give us Peace.

Name day of Br. Gregory Romanovich from Voronezh, Russia. Brother, may God show you His true face and bless you. With best wishes. God loves you.

The Word… This word fills me with gratitude. It helps me experience the Eucharist, teaches me to be grateful to God for everything. “What do you possess that you have not received?” Everything I have is a gift. “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life.” The same words every day during the Eucharist. “What do you possess that you have not received?” Thank God for everything! In the Spirit of the Word, Jesus is Lord and he is the Lord of the “Sabbath” too. Deo gratias!

We live in a war, we do not live by war.

Peace and all good! Today, unfortunately, another funeral of a soldier from our area who died in the war. Eternal rest grant to him, o Lord! And some comfort—a meeting with the living parishioners fighting for the independence of Ukraine. They came for a while and will return to the outpost. Friars visit the sick (Br. Leonid), as every 1st Friday of the month. We also distribute humanitarian aid by the hands of their representatives. “We are moving and we are alive”. Greetings to all!

Lviv is quiet. We finish filling foundations. Good people help us. Deo gratias! (photo)

Backlog of information: Humanitarian aid volunteers from Hungary (Order of Malta) were with us.

Interesting fact:
A boy (German) and a girl (Hungarian) were in Berlin a few months ago at a concert of the Ukrainian band Okean Elzy. They are fans. As they were in Kiev for a stroll, they rode in the elevator of one of the shopping malls together with the frontman of this band Vakarchuk, whom they could only see from afar among the huge crowd in Berlin. They were surprised by the unexpected encounter. Well, and a selfie, of course.

Well, and the construction flies on. (photo) Flies on…. Till one is dead beat. (photo)

May God grant us Peace.