Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 174
Capuchin Communications
August 17, 2022
War night. Standard. Alarms, gunfire, people die. It sounds terrible, but such are the realities of war. A person gets used to all that to survive. God give us peace.
The Word… God gives a powerful Word, especially for me and those who are responsible for the people (the sheep). “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who pasture themselves! Shepherds, repent and listen to the voice of the Lord! Sheep, do not be afraid, God is stronger than the weakness of the shepherds He has chosen. “Behold, I Myself will seek out My sheep and I will take care of them.” God is love!
We live in war, we do not live by war.
Vatican Radio confirmed the above word. “Despite war, Capuchins open new monastery in Lviv”!
A neighbor across the fence handed us a tasty cake she had baked. We are touched by such a welcome to the people in the new monastery😊 (photo)
And once again and not for the last time we thanked God during the Eucharist for His providence over us and our presence in Lviv. To the religious superiors, brothers: Roberto and Piotr of the General Council. To Provincial Mark and the board of the Krakow Province. I thank the Bishops of Lviv for their openness, invitations and all their help.
To my Custody Councilors for their help in discernment. To the Custody Brothers for their patient love during the three-year discernment process. And finally, but very importantly, a word of THANK YOU, to our Benefactors who assisted us financially with the purchase of the house. To the brothers of the Lvov community, with its guardian Br. Casimir. May God reward you all. May God and St. Francis, through the intercession of Fr. Pio, reward you all.
May God protect and bless us.