
Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 132

July 6, 2022
Capuchin Communications

July 6, 2022, Wednesday

We survived. At the front, more than one gave his life for his homeland, for Ukraine. There were alarms in Kiev, fortunately, we could not hear. We slept peacefully! Thank God.

The Word…. Listening to this Word there is anxiety in my heart. I have a somewhat different war on the prospect: “…. the greater the prosperity in the country, the more magnificent altars were built” served other gods. May everyone who reads this letter ask the Holy Spirit to understand this Word.

The answer to this new war and new unrest is the word of Psalm 105: “Always seek God’s face.” Love comes first. There is only the Altar of the Word of God and the Eucharist….depending on the vocation, there may still be an Altar / Table where the family gathers, the community, or in marriage: the altar – the marriage bed. Holy Spirit come! God is love.

We live in the war, we do not live by war.

The community in Dnipro received a new vehicle – a car, among other things, for transporting humanitarian aid. The donors are our Brothers and Benefactors from the Province of Austria. Thank you. The moment of installation of the license plates. (photo)

Some front militaries from Ukraine (photo). A new “Radio Bayraktar” has appeared on the Internet. I invite you )))
or: Army FM https://www.armyfm.com.ua

After night raids in one village. (photo)

May God bless us and hold His fatherly hand over us….
Brothers of the Custody of Ukraine