
Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 123

June 27, 2022
Capuchin Communications

June 27, 2022, Monday.

I have been staying for a few days in Krakow. I have been following the events in Ukraine, especially in the Capuchin Ukraine where our brothers and friaries are located. God is merciful. We pray for …..

The Word…. I am touched by the simple statements that God uses to reveal Himself to man: “Thus saith the Lord…”; “I brought this out before them…”; “And I brought this out…”; “Behold, I will crush…”
This is the mighty hand of God showing its strength in my life story. In the story of my life, God and his love is revealed. Follow this God, his Word, not your declarations, your desires. I will follow You, but….
Let God’s ” Here am I” be mine too: “here am I…”

We live in war, we don’t live by war….

Yesterday (Sunday) in Kiev, at our monastery, the brothers and Sisters of the Nazareth organized the 10th World Meeting of Families. (photo)

Short video clips.

It is alarming at our place. But despite this, the Franciscan Youth of our parish are doing a charity fair. (photo) You can see and of course join in, you are welcome:

May God grant us peace and keep us…