Letter from Br. Błażej: Night 117
Capuchin Communications
June 21, 2022, Tuesday. 117th war night. We survived the night. Thank God.
The Word… Here is our “narrow way and narrow gate.”
One of the brothers wrote me a letter:
“I wanted to share with you my scrutiny today. (A form of reading and listening to the Word of God). Namely, today I scrutinized the passages: Genesis 18:16-33 and Ez 14:12 (the footnotes for these passages are also important!). I also thought about you and yours. Just as Abraham prayed not for the righteous but for rescue for the unrighteous, just as Jesus, prays for us unrighteous, asking for our rescue – the mission of the Christian is to pray for the rescue of the unrighteous – to be like Jesus. So that also, God willing, the unjust can see God’s love.
I wanted to share this with you. May the Lord sustain and guide you.” Here is the narrow way, for us brothers living in war, having a specific enemy. “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.”
Helping the poor, needy in Kamiańske. (Photo)
Help from Poland, in the form of sausage. (Photo)
Photos from the Corpus Christi procession:
(External link secured. Br. Vito)